For Patients

CPAP Education Program (Peer-buddy program) and CPAP adherence promotion education resources 


Peer-buddy program: If you are a patient with sleep apnea using a "CPAP" machine and you are interested in sharing your experiences and knowledge to others with sleep apnea then you can get trained by viewing the following videos and training manual:

INTRODUCTION: This program consists of two virtual visits regarding the CPAP machine and accessories and 8 telephone visits regarding improving one's ability to wear the CPAP machine regularly.  Ideally, the program should run through 4 weekly phone visits and 2 "in-person" visits in the first month. In the second and third months there will be 4 phone visits that take place every other week. The total education is over 3 months with an option of reviewing these again in the subsequent 3 months for full benefit if possible.
HOW DO I USE THIS PROGRAM? If you are a patient who is using their CPAP machine regularly and want to learn about how you can effectively share your experiences with other patients struggling with CPAP use, then you would want to do the following:
(a) View the Introduction video first about the do's and don'ts
(b) Read the "Peer-buddy training manual"
(c) View the videos that go along with the training manual
(d) View the enactment videos that correspond to each of the 8 visits

For each video, please click on the blue highlighted words and it will take you to a website where you may need to click on "Stay on the Web" option


(A) Introduction to Peer-buddy training program (Please view this first)

For each video, please click on the blue highlighted words and it will take you to a website where you may need to click on "Stay on the Web" option

(B) Peer-buddy training manual

(C) Educational content by visit (A step-by-step walkthrough of the Peer-buddy training manual) 

  • First "in-person" visit   
  • First phone call 1
  • Second "in-person" visit 
  • Second phone call 2
  • Third phone call 3
  • Fourth phone call 4
  • Fifth phone call 5
  • Sixth phone call 6
  • Seventh phone call 7
  • Eighth phone call 8

(D) Enactment videos by visit